Monday, January 5, 2009

Fuck You Blogspot!

I haven't been on in AGES due to the fact that blogspot continually does not recognize my password. This is the 3rd time now that i have had to reset the fucker. Tiffany and have not been posting anything either....what the heck?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Snow, Sufjan, and sliding into asians yards

So I wasn't particularly looking forward to this winter. Okay....really I was DREADING this winter. But now that the snow is here it's not too bad. In fact I really love driving in the snow. Not just with snow on the ground but like a blizzard. I'm so content driving around everywhere really slow, enjoying the scenery, and listening to my winter soundtrack, Sufjan Stevens. 
I love when the roads are all slippery too. I slide everywhere I possibly can. It kinda makes me feel like I'm in The Fast and the Furious or something. So when it first snowed the other day, my neighborhood was extremely slippery. It was awesome. I was about to turn onto my street so I pulled the e-brake, turned the wheel, and started sliding. Suddenly I was sliding completely sideways and my car had no intention of stopping. I realized I was going to hit the curb and I just accepted my fate. I felt the bump of my car hitting the curb, but for some reason I was still moving. When I finally stopped, I was in the middle of my neighbors yard with massive gouges in the yard behind me. Luckly the asians weren't home or they probably would've killed me. Oh boy do I love snow.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Game Night

I went to game night at Eric's last this morning after UPS. It was fun. but it is now 6:35a.m. and i just got home so i get only a few hours of sleep before school. 

I was thinking that blogging on here is kinda funny seeing that you're the only one who'll read it Jilly. haha.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh blogging....

So maybe i'll use this maybe i won't. I suppose we'll see.